Today I had the opportunity to train on the new grading program, Focus, with awesome teachers at Southlake Elementary. While I know that...
First Bargaining Session Cancelled!
For the past three years, we've asked the district to make a plan to prioritize pay. At yesterday's budget workshop, it was apparent that...
Daily Vote Totals (2017-2018 Contract)
Final Vote: 2,233 YES; 954 NO Results will be reported to the Board at the Feb 13 Board meeting. Feb 12 -- 120 yes and 37 no Feb 9 - 233...
Work to the Contract
As other districts are receiving raises of hundreds of dollars more than our School Board and Superintendent are proposing for the 2nd...
More Determined Than Ever
This weekend about 20 of us had the privilege of representing BFT at the 2017-2018 Florida Education Association Delegate Assembly. This...
Level Zero of the Discipline Plan
Hi everyone! The following message is meant to be spread and shared among teachers. Please help me get word out: On July 19 and 20...
Bargaining Proposal
BFT bargaining proposal (not the exact language proposed, just an overview of each point) AC teachers subject to termination have the...
Candidate Forum
If you are looking to learn more about the candidates for our election, here is a link to the video of the Candidate Forum....
Member Blogs: Secondary Scheduling
This post dedicated to sharing opinions on the options of: 6 of 7, 5 of 7, 5 of 6, or block. Have something to add to the conversation? ...
Secondary Scheduling Discussion
Should the union take a stand on Secondary Planning Time? And yes, this involves Elementary School teachers as well. Where we are:...