Election for Executive Board & Convention Delegates
Our nomination period for our 2025 Executive Board Members and Convention Delegates is now closed. On April 21st you will receive an electronic ballot to your personal email address. You will have until 5:00 on May 8th to cast your ballot. There are two contested races this year:
Second Vice President
Jonathan Hilliard
Kevin Howkins
Delegate for the National Education Representative Assembly
Kim Ackerson
Christina Hoolihan
Kevin Howkins
Holly Newman
Jackie Small
Khadejah Veal
Caite Walters
Carrie Young
To view a sample ballot click here https://www.bftteach.org/2025ballot
Please join us at the BFT Office on April 16 at 5:00 for a Candidate Forum to learn more about the candidates. Information will also be posted on our website.
Please congratulate the following candidates who won their elections via acclamation:
Political Coordinator
Michele McCormack
Kate Thorner
Outreach Chair
Khadejah Veal
Central Area Director
Holly Newman
North Area Director
Caitie Walters
Matt Yount
Central Labor Council
Jackie Small
Delegate to Florida Education Association
Ackerson, Kimberly
Baxter, Monica
Burks, Nicole
Cavallaro, Beth
Erika Weaver-Coleman
Colucci, Anthony
Dunne, Erin
Hilliard, Jonathan
Martinez, Tiffany
Hoolhan, Christina
Howkins, Kevin
McIntyre, Laura
McCormack, Michele
Newman, Holly
Small, Jackie
Skipper, Vanessa
Stiles, Traci
Veal, Khadejah
Woods, Faith
Walters, Caitie
Young, Carrie
Yount, Matthews